Deuterostome-any member of the phyla in which the anus appears first at or near the blastopore and the mouth develops second. These fish are deuterostomes.
Dicot plant with flower and leaf-flowering plant with 2 embryonic seed leaves or cotyledons that usually appear at germination. This hydrangea bush is a dicot.
Eukaryote-Any organism of the single cell or multi-cellular organisms whose cells contain a distinct, membrane bound nucleus. A lizard is a eukaryote.
Modified leaf-a plant that has adapted its leaf to survive. This cactus is an example of a plant that has modified. The cactus live in very dry areas. Most cacti have spines or scales instead of leaves which do not lose water through evaporation (unlike regular leaves which lose a lot of water). The spines also protect the cacti from predators.
Insect-Any small air breathing anthropod having a body divided into a head, thorax, abdomen, three pairs of legs and usually 2 pair of wings. This praying mantis is an insect.
Genetically modified organism-organism in which foreign genes (genes from other plants and animals) are inserted into their genetic code. In purple cauliflower, the dark pigments responsible for the purple color are called anthocyanins which is a phytonutrient or plant compound that has disease fighting benefits.
Cuticle layer of plant-A waxy layer present on all above ground tissue of a plant and serves as a barrier to water movement out of a leaf. This rubber plant has a waxy layer.
Modified root-Roots which change their structures to carry out vital functions such as photosynthesis, gather oxygen, store food or water or support the stem. Sweet potato is a modified root and a potato is a modified stem. Sweet potato have fleshy roots that appear to be tubers, but lack nodes and inter nodes which make them a root.
Littoral zone organism-Organisms at a lake that live in the shallow, well lit water close to shore. This shallow part of SML is an example of a littoral zone and you can not see the organism pictured here because it is under water-it is a fish.
Epithelial tissue-Closely packed single or stratified layer of cells covering the body and lining its cavities with the exception of blood and lymph vessels. Skin is made of epithelial tissue.
Niche-Each organism has a place to live in nature, a functional role and adaptations for reproduction. A niche refers to the way an organism fits into its ecosystem. This crane at SML is an example of an organism in its niche.
Lepidoptera-Members have four membranous wings, hind wings are slightly smaller that the front. Mouth parts are adapted for sucking and usually in the form of a coiled tube. This moth is an example and the moth is usually more active at night.
Autotroph-Organism that is capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances, using light or chemical reaction. This tree is an example and uses the process of photosynthesis.
Carbohydrate fibrous-are complex carbohydrates that come mostly from green vegetables but also include tomatoes. They are rich in fiber and help the digestive process. God source of minerals, vitamins and nutrients. This tomato is an example.
Enzyme-Protein found in plant and animal cells that accelerate or catalyze the metabolic process. In order for milk to coagulate and become cheese, enzymes are added to breakdown the proteins that keep milk a liquid.
Flower ovary-In flowers, the portion of a carpel in which the egg containing ovules develop.
Radial symmetry-A type of structure of an organism in which a vertical cut through the axis in any of two or more planes produces two halves that are mirror images of each other. This sea anemone is a example. If you cut it in half, each half will be equal and the same.
Rhizome-a horizontal underground stem which can send out both shoots and roots. The sometimes have a thickened area that stores starch. This is a picture of a calla lily which has a rhizome. The rhizome is the brown bulb in this picture.
Cnidarian-a group of aquatic animals such as a sea anemone that are radially symettrical. They have one opening, the mouth and tentacles with stinging structures. This a picture of a sea anemone.
Anther & filament of stamen-In the angiosperm, the anther is the terminal pollen sac of stamen, where pollen grains containing sperm producing male gametophytes form. In the angiosperm, the filament is the stalk portion of the stamen, the pollen producing reproductive organ of the flower.
Tendril-stem used for attachment and support for climbing. the tendril on this vine is the long green appearing stem that helps this vine attach to structures. Cambium-Layer of cells between the wood and bark of woody plants or trees from which new bark and cells originate. The cambium on this tree is located between the wood and bark. Chitin-tough outer layer of crustaceans. The main contributor to the lobsters exoskeleton is chitin. Deciduous leaf-leaf from a tree that sheds all leaves annually at the end of the growing season and has a dormant period without leaves. This oak leaf is from a deciduous tree and shed off the tree in the Fall Season. Echinoderm-a marine animal with a hard spiny skeleton and radial body. This sand dollar is a living organism found in the depths of the ocean and is an example of an echinoderm.
Exoskeleton- a hard, external supporting structure. The outer shell of this stinkbug is not only his exoskeleton but his protection. Frond-The leaf of a fern or palm that usually consists of multiple leaflets. Fungus- organisms that lack chlorophyll, leaves, true stems, and roots reproduce by spores, and live as saprotrophs or parasites. The group includes molds, mildews, rusts, yeasts, and mushrooms. This is fungus growing on the bark of this tree in the woods behind my house. Keratin- tough fibrous protein that is the basic substance of hair, nails and skin. My sisters hair, nails and skin are made of keratin. Hermaphrodite-an animalor plant that has both male and female organs. Worms are hermaphrodites. Lichen-certain plants caused by a combination of an algae and fungus to form a crust like growth on branches, trees or rocks. This tree in the woods at my house has fungus growing on the bark. Long day plant-plant that flowers longer as the days get longer and requires very little darkness. Usually flower in the spring. This carnation is a long day plant. Clover is also a long day plant. Parasite-an animal or plant that lives in or on another (the host) from which it obtains nourishment. The host does not benefit from the association and is often harmed by it. Common human parasites are lice, fleas, scabies, ticks, ringworm and chiggers. This chigger plant was at a local nursery. The small chiggers live on this plant and will transfer to human skin. Phloem-Vascular tissue through which food is distributed in a plant. The second ring or inner bark on this stump is the phloem. Pollen-a fine powdery substance usually yellow in color produced by the anthers of seed-bearing plants, consisting of numerous fine grains containing the male gametes. Pollen is produced by flowers such as the carnations. Spore-reproductive body, produced by bacteria, fungi, various plants and some protozoans, that develops into a new individual without fusing with another reproductive body. Found this mushroom in the woods at my house. Woody stem-hard fibrous stalk of a plant usually covered by bark. It is a supporting structure of a plant, serving also to conduct and to store food materials. This crepe myrtle tree is an example of a woody stem.
Herbaceous stem-Main stalk of a plant. It is usually green and pliant and are covered by a think epidermis instead of by the bark of woody plants. Although they usually grow tall they usually do not increase in diameter. Bamboo is a herbaceous stem plant and is pictured here on the step. Thorn-a short hard leafless stem with a sharp point. This thorn is from a rose bush in my yard. Bryophytes-small herbaceous plants that grow closely packed together in mats or cushions on rocks, soil or on trunks and leaves of trees. This is a picture of moss in my backyard. Ectotherm-Organism that regulates its body temperature largely by exchanging heat with its surroundings. Common examples of ectotherms are snakes, frogs and lizards. This picture shows a frog or ectotherm finding its way across the side of my house. Endotherm-Organism that generates heat to maintain its body temperature, typically above the temp of its surroundings. My dog, Ransom is a endotherm. Fruit with dry seed-The mesocarp or middle usually fleshy layer of the fruit wall is dry at maturity. Dry fruits such as green beans have seeds inside and will break open at maturity. Fruit fleshy with seed-fruits have a mesocarp (the middle, usually fleshy layer of a a fruit wall) that is at least partially fleshy at maturity. Examples of a fleshy fruit with seeds are watermelon and papaya. Annelid-A worm or annelid is a member of a phylum of animals that possess a body cavity, movable bristles, and body divided into segments by crosswise rings.
Animal with segmented body-It is an animal such as a worm in which the bodies are divided into segments which allow them to develop specialized limbs such as antennae, pinchers, walking or swimming legs and feeding appendages.
4.Amniotic egg-egg produced by reptiles, birds and mammals (egg laying mammals) in which the embryo develops inside the amnion.
adaptation of a plant-The picture of the vines growing around the posts is an example of the adaptation of a plant to a structure that is in its way.
Angiosperm-common name is flowering plant. This carnation is an angiosperm.
Arthropod- invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton, segmented body and jointed appendages. Examples are spiders, crabs, worms, millipedes and grubs.
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